Monday, August 1, 2011

2o11 Mighty Machine TeamsJacob, Josh and Jamie...feeding time!

Cameron and Connor...feedingtime!!

Chris, Hannah and Jack ...roller-ball!

Madison H, Madison K and Anneke...girls only!!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Baby boy!

My sister Rebecca had a cute baby boy named Tristan. He was born 7LB and 6OZ he was born last week on Wednesday at 6:01pm he went home on Sunday with Rebecca and her boyfriend Jared. He is so cute and sort of chubby. He is a boy and when he was born sadly he couldn't breath so he went into this place were thay helped him to breath and luckly he has nothing wrong with him. I was so proud of him. When he came out he was blue and floppy but he is ok know! He is my neise that macks me an anty and i love him.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Buddy time.

Last week on Friday RoomsI and C had a buddy day. Chole lerisa and i are buddys we had lots of fun we had a mashmellow and sticks day . We had to build something out of these things me Chole and Lerisa builded a rocket. Evey one had the max of 20 mashmellows. Me and my buddys got that much and 1 extra. It was alot of FUN and meating our buddys was EXITING to.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

My Room C Buddy

Hi I'm Chloe .

Last week we had buddy time in the hall. I share a buddy with Alayna.

We had to make a marshmellow space craft .

We had as many sticks as we wanted and our limit of marshmellows was 20. Thats a lot! We had to draw our design on some paper to plan it, make it, name it, say what it can do etc...

We had to get pictures with it. After that we had to pull it apart and the best part was to EAT IT! Yum, yum, yum!

My RoomC Buddy

Hi I'm Bailey L

Last week, we had buddy time in the hall.

We made marsh-mallow spacecraft, Venice (my buddy.) chose a floating house.

It took a long time to make but it was finished.

Here is a photo of us making the house:

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Art At School

Art at school we haft do art it is fun

Andrew's cool speech

Awesome Runners

Hi its Brylee

On wednesday well yesturday Manchester street school senoir and middle team had there cross country. We had to had to have the cross country at victory park. Some people did not run because they had sore ankles and some had a broken foot because of what they done to their self. The year theer boys went first for cross country


On Wednesday, the day of the Manchester st. school middle and senior team Cross-County we strolled over to the park { Victoria park } we were sorted into lines to race for victory to get into the team, the Cross-Country we started to exercising for the race to win we heard a great burst of cheering as the teacher said go everyone started sprinting except me.